One of the most amazing things about starting Arise2Read in Huntsville has been the partnerships with local churches...

The apostle John implores us, “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth,” (1 John 3:18, NIV). It is encouraging to see the Body of Christ join together to take action and work toward the common goal:
Save a Child. Save a Family. Save a City.
In the beginning, three churches unified around this vision. Members from Greater Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Covenant Fellowship, and University Heights Baptist Church believed together that Arise2Read could be effective and successful in Huntsville Independent School District. They sent representatives to receive training and brainstorm how to make this happen. Then, they went back to their congregations and encouraged people to get involved in the pilot program.
Because of their dedication and trust in the Lord, we have gone from a successful pilot program on one campus to being on all 4 HISD campuses just 2 years later. Furthermore, Northside Baptist, St. Stephen’s Episcopal, Huntsville Nazarene, St. Paul’s Methodist, and Faith Lutheran have also partnered with us in various ways. As we continue, we look forward to more partnerships with local churches.
Glory to God for what He does in and through us!