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A2R Coach of the Week

This week's volunteer highlight is Dawn Blackmar. Mrs. Dawn started with Arise2Read last year and tutors at Huntsville Elementary. One of my favorite parts of her story: she and her husband Mike, pictured bottom right, are both Arise2Read coaches, and they show up together every Monday to serve and encourage students and teachers.

She got involved with A2R to help children improve their reading skills. She has gone above and beyond to help her students, and even when a child is having a bad day or down on himself, she refuses to give up on him or allow him to give up on himself! She believes in the power of showing up, and she does it faithfully every Monday.

Thanks for being part of the A2R family, Mrs. Dawn! We appreciate you and how you are choosing to serve your community and show up for your students in a consistent and loving way! The Blackmars are making a difference! 


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