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One Student's Story

Updated: Nov 4, 2019

Success stories are our favorite stories! They are the stories that encourage us to keep doing what we’re doing...

We get excited when children are growing, not just in reading but also in confidence! Confident students have the potential to be world changers!

Most recently, we heard from Natalie Payne, a new volunteer and parent of a former Arise2Read Student at Huntsville Elementary. Her daughter enjoyed the program and was so successful last year that Natalie came to one of our summer trainings and is now a

substitute coach at Huntsville Elementary. Furthermore, Natalie shared with us how her daughter’s success is continuing in 3rd grade.

At the beginning of 2nd grade, her daughter was reading a grade level behind. After all the teacher’s hard work, their work at home, and spending time each week with two Arise2Read volunteers, Natalie’s daughter finished the first 9 weeks of her 3rd grade year reading on a Level 26. This is phenomenal news, because 3rd graders who are reading proficiently end the 1st 9 weeks on a Level 23. That means, her daughter is reading above grade level at the start of this year, and she is just getting started.

Is Arise2Read responsible for all of this success? Absolutely not! We know it takes a village, but we do believe that having two volunteers come alongside a classroom teacher and parents makes a HUGE difference to everyone involved! Together, we can:

Save a Child. Save a Family. Save a City.


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